A few years ago I went through a hell of my own imagination
and now I am successfully helping others.

In 2007, I started having serious health problems. My lack of strength and will to live got worse and worse every year. After a few years, more health problems followed, until in 2015 I was told: „Enjoy every day as long as you live”. Shock, disbelief, further visits to the doctors; everyone said the same thing. I thought about my inevitably deteriorating health and the fact that I would probably die soon. In fact, my attitude to life changed after increasing dreams of my own death. I was sick of dying, of dying with the fear that I was going to die….

One day I heard a lecture by Dr Joe Dispenza. The words: „Mismanagement of one’s thoughts and emotions causes illness. The stronger the emotions associated with some misfortune, such as illness, the greater the internal changes that occur, the more attention is paid to the cause. And this is when the brain records the image, or memory. Because of this, people feel the same emotions over and over again, linked to memories. These emotions influence our thoughts and these thoughts chemically trigger the same emotions in our brain. These emotions again influence our thoughts and the same substances are produced in the brain and so you can find yourself in a vicious circle.” Destructive emotions send signals to the genes that create disease. Difficult memories still trigger the same emotions and stress hormones destroy the human body.

Then I read about kinesiology, psychosomatics and all the puzzles started to fall into place: my destructive thoughts were making me feel worse and worse. I realised that I could move a mountain if I wanted to but on the condition that I started by thinking about myself, my needs, a moment for myself and living in the moment 100%.

I have let go, stepped out of the victim role and accepted the state of my health. I start each morning with gratitude for another day.

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